Caring For Sick Or Diseased Trees

Healthy trees are happy trees! If you think your tree looks a little sad, it may be sick.

Just like humans, trees can also catch diseases or get sick. Sometimes, if they’re not properly taken care of, a tree can die. That’s why we prepared tips you can follow on how to care for a sick tree.

Signs Your Tree May Be Sick

  • It has lots of bugs
  • Its leaves are ripped
  • It has lost a lot of leaves
  • Faded leaves
  • Its leaves has blisters
  • Its barks are cracked

How to Care for Sick or Diseased Trees

Prune Regularly

You can easily see if your tree has developed some diseases if you prune them regularly. Pruning helps in the circulation of the air around your tree which can help it to grow better and healthier. It’s also wise to know that over pruning can damage your tree.

Inspect Regularly

It’s also highly recommendable to inspect your tree regularly. See to it that all its leaves and branches are healthy and if there are too many bugs around it that can cause sickness.


If you think your tree is pest infected, you can ask help from tree professionals to know what to do or what kind of pesticide you can use in order to treat your tree.

Trees can attract sickness or diseases no matter how old or young it is – which is why it is important to have it checked.

If you don’t have enough knowledge about pruning or just basically taking care of a sick or diseased tree, you can always contact professionals such as Australian Tree Services for some help. Remember, that it is much better to prune your tree regularly to see if it is sick or has disease.