How To Recognise A Sick Or Disease Tree

Healthy trees are trees that are free from sickness and pests.

It’s a well-known fact that trees can get sick and catch diseases. Trees that are not immediately taken care of can sometimes die. That’s why it’s recommendable for us to know how to recognize a sick tree.

Signs of a Sick Tree:

A large sum of pests in a tree means the wood is being eaten away.

  • Leaf edges are jagged
  • Leaves are ripped
  • Sudden discolouration of leaves
  • Its leaves have blisters
  • The tree has cracked and stained barks

No matter how old your tree is, remember that they can catch diseases any time. That’s why it is highly recommended to check your tree to know if it’s sick or if it’s still healthy.

Termites and other pests are also attracted to sick or diseased trees and they can be a huge problem to your house and to your garden as well.

How Can I Keep My Trees Healthy?

It’s true that trees may get sick any time. However, there are still few things you can do in order to keep them healthy.

  • Pruning your tree regularly can keep it healthy and lively. It can also help spot signs of sickness easily.
  • Inspecting regularly is also another way to prevent sickness or other kinds of diseases from spreading all over your tree.

If you know how to prune trees, you will have a healthy tree. But if you still lack knowledge, contact professionals such as Australian Tree Services.

Investing in your tree to keep them healthy is okay since they can also give you lots of benefits in return!