Tree Pruning

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Tree Pruning Townsville

There are many wonderful things you can add to your garden such as trees, shrubs, and bushes, they protect you from the sun’s heat and rain, provide rea scenery and can make or break the vibe of any garden. For these reasons and many more, it’s very important to make sure that you’re garden is properly pruned so that you can maximize the most out of your garden.

Trees or any greenery can unleash their wild side if they aren’t taken care of properly. They can cause obstructions in roads and driveways, restrict natural sunlight, block drainage systems and fill gutters with foliage, annoy neighbors, and can look very dreadful.

Now we are aware that some people think they can cut corners and do another DIY, the amateur arborists, but sadly the difference between an amateur and a professional is like day and night. Ever tried cutting your own hair at home in front of a mirror? That’s what it feels and looks like when people prune crooked hedges, broken branches, over prune areas, and other under-pruned areas. They think this looks okay and normal but little do they know people are making fun of them behind their back, don’t let this happen to your poor garden!

When To Prune & When To Cut

To be able to fully accomplish the look and feel you’re going for there are many decisions that have to be made. When we are going to cut the trees and why. Knowing when to remove a lot of branches and twigs or when you just need to prune the tree a tiny bit to make sure that it maintains along the same lines. There are a lot of things to consider that are going to factor into these decisions though. 

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Benefits Of Regular Pruning & Cutting

Increase your sunlight intake through your windows, improving your mood, and brightening up your day!

● The tree will become way healthier. Prolong the life of the tree, remove dead branches, flowers, and leaves give the tree more resources, room and energy and encourage new growth and is overall a healthy way to look after your precious tree. 

● Keep driveways, paths, and public areas neat, tidy, and free of rogue branches and the waste they leave everywhere.

● To simply put it – it makes your garden look fantastic, fresh, and makes your entire property stand out in a very positive way! You don’t want to be the talk of the town in a bad way right? Especially being branded as “that” house in the street with the wild garden.

Regular Servicing

We like to think we’re a good company composed of warm friendly people who look after their beloved clients, and as such we can offer special pricing for clients who request regular pruning & cutting services. It’s a guarantee that you get the same company every time who knows how you like things to be done, who you trust, and who can get the job done right and quickly with no fuss at all. We’re more than happy to offer regular servicing at whatever frequency suits you and your beautiful garden.

Top Of The Line Equipment

We always make sure that the tools we use are top-notch to be able to make the clean cuts that this service requires. Using the right equipment for the job is a very important part of the service. It must be sharp in order to seamlessly cut the tree’s leaves and branches, so it doesn’t look like it had just been ripped off the tree. We don’t really talk about the types of equipment we use, but we cannot deny the fact that it is overly essential to have it!

So if your garden is looking like it’s out of control, give us a call now and we’ll have your garden looking on par with fancy botanical gardens or actually, even better, trust us, Townsville’s #1 Tree Services company, your neighbors will definitely turn their heads and notice, call us today!

We would love to help.

Contact us today for your free, no obligation quote.