Tree Removal

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Tree Removal Townsville

Pro Tree Service Townsville is all about nature and we would prefer to see you actually keep a tree rather than having it removed and we will always suggest methods that will allow you to keep a tree as opposed to removing it. This can’t be applied to every situation though, because there are scenarios wherein a tree removal is the only viable option.

The first reason for the removal of a tree is because of its state, it might be dead or in a stage of decline if this is the case the structural stability of the tree could degrade at a fast pace at any given time and it’s best to get this looked at ASAP.

Another reason as to why a tree must be removed is because the branches might break or fall over. Sometimes, we can prune the tree or use cables to make it stable and secure, but sometimes the best course of action is to have it removed.

Moreover, in some cases, several trees can grow far too close to each other and cause overcrowding, they compete for space, nutrients, and water. Also, there are some cases wherein the roots have spread too far across the garden and this will affect the health of your lawn and other plants. We wouldn’t want that now, would we?

Finally, trees or roots may cause an obstruction or hamper on a building. Roots may also cause a disturbance on roads or pavements to crack or crumble.

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Full Tree Removal

If you have the intention of removing a tree chances are you are going to want to remove all traces of the tree in order to make way for something else or to just allow a lawn to flourish. If this is the case then it wouldn’t make any sense if a stump or roots are going to be left behind because these can still continuously cause obstructions even if the actual tree is no longer there. So we put quite a bit of emphasis on being able to completely remove any traces from the tree and make sure that it is not continuing to be in the way at all.

Need the stump kept?

Believe it or not, some people actually want to keep the stump and are happy with that, and in certain circumstances, this can work out well. You may not want to fill in a ginormous hole left behind in your yard or be left with a pile of wood chips, and some people prefer to use the stump to be sat on, or leave it to rot because that gives off an enchanted forest kind of vibe. Either way, the choice is still completely to you and we’ll give you all your options.

Safe Tree Removal

If you have a tree that is near or leaning up against a solid structure (such as a house or garage) or any sort of wiring that could very well be a candidate for disaster (overhead wires) you really should get professionals to work on it. What we will do is to fully remove the entire tree while cautiously avoiding any damages to the building below. Most often than not, roots may have also grown under the building as well. In these particular cases that is one of the main concerns we will have to deal with. Precautionary measures will be observed at all times when handling dangerous wires or anything around.

Proper Waste Management

When we do our tree removal service we are usually going to chip them on site and get them onto a truck so that we can take them to be recycled – if you want to keep them as mulch to be used in your garden then that’s also fine as well. This ensures that the tree’s use is utilised as much as possible and at the very least not going straight to the trash and be wasted. This is the best way that we can fully take advantage of a tree that has to be removed! It’s eco-friendly and very useful. 

So if you’ve got a tree that you need removed in a timely and budget friendly way, call us today for a free quote!


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